9/6/18 Associates Meeting: “Who we are” and who “St Gerard Majella” is

Quoting from the Guidelines for Redemptorist Associates draft, Fr Paul Coury began the September 6th meeting describing Redemptorist Associates as “those lay people, secular clergy or members of other religious communities who have been invited into a circle of Redemptorist Associates connected with some Redemptorist missionary centre, group or project. Redemptorist Associates live out their commitments in independent lifestyles, answering the call to proclaim the Good News of plentiful redemption within the context of their daily lives. Having participated in a process of initial formation, they are enrolled as Redemptorist Associates.  Circles of Redemptorist Associates meet regularly for the purposes of fostering a stronger spiritual growth and a more explicit commitment to the evangelization of the poor, exploring Redemptorist charism and spirituality. They may share in some aspect of the Redemptorist Mission.”

Dr Lee Morrison followed with an inspiring account of the life of St Gerard Majella whose feast we celebrate October 16. Many miracles have been attributed to St Gerard’s intercession. But it is his devotion to the Eucharist, desire to serve others – especially the poor, unwavering obedience to God’s will and infectious cheerfulness that make Gerard so appealing to the universal church.

“It is true that at times we find ourselves confused and weak. But there is no confusion in God; there is no weakness with God’s power. Because it is certain that in the battles God himself helps us with his divine arm. For this reason, we can be joyful and extend ourselves further to accpeting the divine will. And we bless his works for all eternity.”

  •  – Blessed Gerard Majella

Among the handouts Lee provided were a short biography of St. Gerard (which may be found here: Biography) and a St Gerard Novena Prayer (whch may be found here: Prayer).