
Our Lady of the Desert forms a Redemptorist Circle*

Thirty-five members of the Our Lady of the Desert Church community met in January, 2018 to initiate Tucson’s first Redemptorist “Circle of Belonging” committing to a year-long process of formation.

Redemptorist Circles of Belonging:

  • Are basic Redemptorist associates mission communities
  • Meet regularly for the purposes of fostering a stronger spiritual growth and a more explicit commitment to the evangelization of the poor, exploring Redemptorist charism and spirituality.
  • Bring coherence and support to what associates are already doing individually –particularly among the abandoned.

Redemptorist Lay Associates**:

  • Are partners with professed Redemptoristsin the mission of proclaiming plentiful redemption to the most abandoned, particularly the materially poor.
  • Live out their commitments in independent lifestyles, answering the call to proclaim the Good News of plentiful redemption within the context of their daily lives.

*The photo shows the group  at the 10/4/18 associates meeting. Further information regarding Redemptorist Circles and Redemptorist Associates may be found at: cssr.net/.  The graphic above is based on the one at: cssr.net/index.html#partners

**For a more detailed discussion see  Guidelines for Redemptorist Associates  as well as the Denver Province framework: PIM Overview, Flow Chart Redemptorist Associates. Flow Chart Explanation.