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June 27, 2019 – Summer Sandwich Fun!

Our Lady of the Desert’s “sandwich making team” celebrated its 13th consecutive month making sandwiches for Tucson’s Casa Maria Food Kitchen by – what else – making more sandwiches!*

They not only made 600+ sandwiches to help feed Tucson’s homeless at Casa Maria, but hundreds more for asylum-seeking families staying at the former Benedictine Monastery (operated as a shelter by Catholic Community Services). 

Congratulations on a wonderful year of service!

* Special thanks to Geralyn Neely for providing the pictures.

Desert Reflections: The real event

Fr Ted believes that today’s first reading tells us more about Abraham than it does about God.  But Abraham did start us down the path to understanding that God cares about and loves us all. 1700 years later, Jesus, Abraham’s descendent and God’s own son, would lay down his life for us all – whether we are righteous or not.

Today’s Readings

Then Abraham drew nearer to [the Lord] and said: “Will you sweep away the innocent with the guilty? Suppose there were fifty innocent people in [Sodom]; would you wipe out the place, rather than spare it?
GN 18:16-33

“Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.”
MT 8:18-22


Desert Reflections: Celebrating the Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Jesus commends his mother and the beloved disciple into each other’s care in today’s gospel.  Fr Paul points out that as Jesus’ beloved, we too are invited into his loving family. Mary becomes our mother, Jesus our brother and God our Father.

Today’s Readings 

A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
RV 12: 1-6, 10

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son. ”Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.”
JN 19: 25-27


Fr Greg May’s discussion of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Icon

Fr Greg May discusses the history and meaning of the “Our Mother of the Perpetual Help Icon” in an interesting 4o minute presentation to a group from St Michael’s church in Chicago. Fr Greg has kindly provided access to a recording of the discussion as well as the notes he provided the group.  The video presentation may be found at: Fr Greg’s Icon Discussion. His notes may be found at: Fr Greg’s notes.

Desert Reflections: Celebrating Mother’s Day

Fr Paul begins by asking us to picture those special people who have “sung us into being” – whether they are our birth mothers or others.  He then describes a wintery picture of  his mom holding his and his brother’s six and seven year old hands. The note on the back of the picture reads: “The two boys have the mumps – I’m taking them to the doctor.” Our mothers, like God, never let go of our hands – not ever.

Today’s Readings

The Jews … stirred up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their territory.
ACTS 13:14, 43-52

I, John, had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue. They stood before the throne and before the Lamb.
REV 7:9, 14B-17

Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
JN 10:27-30

Denver Province Framework for Redemptorist Associates Approved

Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer, Redemptorist Associates and all who make the Redeemer’s Love felt in the world.

You are an important part of the Redemptorist Congregation and we want you to know of our appreciation for you. Because of who you are and the way that you have embraced our mission, the Redeemer’s Love has been experienced in the world in ways that the professed Redemptorists could not have expressed by themselves. We need your hearts and hands to touch those who we do not see or are unable to contact in our daily lives. Our General Chapter has called all Redemptorists to be attentive to the laity and your important role in our mission. The North American Conference sees you as a fundamental priority of our missionary work in making the Redeemer known. You have given us joy through your commitment to partner with us and embrace the spirituality.

The working group for PIM has good news to report: our guidelines for Redemptorist Associates (RA), have been approved by our provincial government for the Denver Province. This new category is exciting since our Partners in Mission have another way of going deeper into their participation with us. Being a Redemptorist Associate is the path for a person to share fully in our spirituality and Charism. Those who want to become RA will have a time of formation to better understand who the Redemptorists are and what type of mission is connected to the Redeemer. If a person chooses to be a RA, they will make a temporary commitment to participate in a PIM circle in order to foster their personal growth, some type of personal ministry that reflects the Redeemer’s Love, and connect to the world wide Redemptorist Family.

The guidelines are a blueprint that can be utilized to reenergize existing groups, to form new circles and to invite new members to the spirituality and charism that guides the Redemptorists. This is only one way that people can live their calling to be a disciple of Jesus. Some might just want to learn who the Redemptorists are but for those who see this spirituality as their own calling, they will find a connection and live a vibrant Christian faith.

In the past, there were individual circles and groups that were gathered but they were isolated from one another without the ongoing support of the province or congregation. This has changed. The Redemptorists of the Denver Province and this working group see the importance of working together to promote this spirituality for the sake of our world.

We are in the process of building a library with material about Redemptorist Spirituality and history that will be helpful for ongoing formation. This resource will be made available to all who seek this spirituality as their own. The working group of the Denver Province will be responsible for maintaining this resource. Also, you can contact on line to see what is being done in the conference which includes other resources. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about PIM in the Denver Province.

Working Group: Wendy Barnes, John & Diana Davenport, Rev. Dick Mevissen, Rev. Kevin Zubel, Rev. Joe Thong Ngo, Rev. Jose Chavez, and Rev. Greg May


PIM Overview

Flow Chart Redemptorist Associates

Flow Chart Explanation


Tucson’s Redemptorist Associates in the News

Click on the pictures/links below to see the full articles

Spring 2019 Issue

Table of Content
 A Letter from a New Associate
Widening the Circle with Redemptorist Associates
Thursday Evening Spirituality
Testimonials from Our Lady of the Desert


Volume 2, Number 3 March 2019

The Redemptorists/Denver Province
Volume 12 Issue 1 January/February 2019

Desert Reflections: He ain’t heavy … he’s my brother

Today’s feast celebrating the life of St John Bosco reminds Fr Paul of the 1938 classic film, “Boy’s Town” and The Hollies’ hit song based on a line from the movie, “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother.” We’re all Jesus’ brothers and sisters, Fr Paul points out. For him, none of us is heavy.

Today’s Readings

Since we have [in Jesus] “a great priest over the house of God,”  let us approach [him] with a sincere heart and in absolute trust.
HEB 10:19-25

“Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed, and not to be placed on a lampstand?”
MK 4:21-25

Congratulations Our Lady of the Desert Redemptorist Associates!

Shown above* are the thirty-five associates who received pins and certificates Sunday January 20, 2019, marking a year of study and prayer immersed in Redemptorist Spirituality.  

What’s next for our associates? According Denver Province (draft) guidelines, after completing the course in Redemptorist Spirituality:

“The responsibilities of the Redemptorist Associates have four elements: Participation in a local or virtual circle; celebrating special C.Ss.R events; choosing some type of personal ministry that shows the Redeemer’s Love; and a desire to mature in C.Ss.R. Spirituality and Charism.”

The personal ministries a number of the new associates have chosen are already bearing fruit.  More hungry are being fed, more strangers are finding welcome, more children are receiving gifts.  More of those who need to hear a kind word are hearing one.

A very special thanks to Fr Paul Coury and Lee Morrison for their leadership and guidance and tireless efforts making the Our Lady of the Desert Redemptorist Associate program a success.

* Thanks to Lidia Allen for providing the photo.

12/13/18 Associates Meeting: Alphonsian Crib Meditation; Preparation for the enrollment ceremony – Lee and Fr Paul

An Alphonsian Crib Meditation

After beginning with a group prayer, Lee Morrison reads an Alphonsus’ reflection on the nativity and tells her own very touching Christmas story.

“How happy the cave that witnesses the birth of the divine word. How happy the manger that receives the lord of heaven. How happy the straw which served as a bed for the one who makes a throne upon the seraphim.  Yes, happy that cave, that manger, that straw. Happier still are those people who love such a Lord with fervor and tenderness. With what desire and pleasure does Jesus Christ enter into and rest in a heart that loves him.”

-Discourse For Christmas Night, St Alphonsus Liguori

Lee’s Christmas Eve Crib Reflection

Announcements and the “Ritual of Enrollment”

After several announcements Lee and Fr Paul describe the “Ritual of Enrollment” to be used January 20th.

Announcements and enrollment ceremony