Desert Reflections: Behold my heart

Click on the Icon to play the Interlude (Lament) to “Ecce Cor Meum”

You can almost hear Mary Magdalene’s heart breaking in today’s gospel as she asks the “gardener” if he has taken the body of her beloved Lord. The scene reminds Fr Paul of the lament from Ecce Cor Meum (“Behold My Heart”) – composed by Paul McCartney as a eulogy to his wife Linda. With Mary Magdalene, Paul McCartney and countless others, our hearts, instead of breaking, can be filled with hope.  For in rising, Jesus defeated death – for us all.

Today’s Readings

Have you seen him whom my heart loves?
SGS 3:1-4B

“Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you laid him, and I will take him.”
JN 20:1-2, 11-18